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Borderline-Persönlichkeitsstörung - Hirnareale und neurologische Veränderungen


"Under conditions associated with the interaction of behavioral inhibition and negative emotion, borderline patients showed relatively decreased ventromedial prefrontal activity (including medial orbitofrontal and subgenual anterior cingulate) compared with healthy subjects. In borderline patients, under conditions of behavioral inhibition in the context of negative emotion, decreasing ventromedial prefrontal and increasing extended amygdalar-ventral striatal activity correlated highly with measures of decreased constraint and increased negative emotion, respectively." Q

Activation patterns of traumatic memory: "Analyses for all subjects (with BPD) revealed activation of orbitofrontal cortex areas in both hemispheres, anterior temporal lobes, and occipital areas. In the subgroup without PTSD, activation of orbitofrontal cortex on both sides and Broca's area predominated. In the subgroup with additional PTSD, we observed right more than left activation of anterior temporal lobes, mesiotemporal areas, amygdala, posterior cingulate gyrus, occipital areas, and cerebellum." Q
Betroffene Region Neurologische Veränderungen
Postzentraler Gyrus "The left postcentral gyrus of BPD subjects with the comorbid diagnosis of dissociative amnesia (DA) or dissociative identity disorder (DID) was significantly increased compared with controls (+13%) and compared with BPD subjects without these disorders (+11%). Increased postcentral gyrus size in BPD may be related to the development of DA or DID in the presence of severe childhood abuse." Q
Precuneus Significantly smaller right-sided precuneus (-9%) volume in young women with BPD who had been exposed to severe childhood sexual and physical abuse; stronger depersonalization was significantly related to larger right precuneus size Q
Orbitofrontaler Kortex Relatively decreased medial orbitofrontal activity under conditions associated with the interaction of behavioral inhibition and negative emotion Q

Regional CBF increases in orbitofrontal cortex and anterior temporal poles during the recollection and imagery of traumatic events in women with histories of childhood sexual abuse Q
Ventromedialer PFC Relatively decreased ventromedial prefrontal activity under conditions associated with the interaction of behavioral inhibition and negative emotion correlates highly with measures of decreased constraint Q
Amygdala Increasing extended amygdalar-ventral striatal activity under conditions of behavioral inhibition in the context of negative emotion correlates highly with increased negative emotion Q

Increased amygdala activity and decreased subgenual cingulate activity following negative words Q
Anteriores Cingulum Relatively decreased subgenual anterior cingulate activity under conditions associated with the interaction of behavioral inhibition and negative emotion Q
Striatum Increasing extended amygdalar-ventral striatal activity under conditions of behavioral inhibition in the context of negative emotion correlates highly with increased negative emotion Q

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